Explore the world of paper crafts and sculpture with two exciting workshops : one for families and beginners, and one master class for experienced artists.
Family workshop – Paper flower brooch
October 12, 2024 from 1 to 4 p.m.
This jewelry workshop by Sabine Lamy de la Chapelle, inspired by her Singulier Jardin collection of paper jewelry, explores the multiple potential of paper. Participants are guided by the artist through every step of the process.
Creation of a paper brooch based on a model designed by Sabine Lamy de la Chapelle.
- Short introduction to paper cutting, folding and crimping techniques;
- Creation of the brooch using templates provided by the artist. Participants choose their assortment from a wide selection of papers and beads;
- Each creation is personalized with different color and texture combinations!
15 + tx. per participant, includes admission and visit to the museum before or after the workshop.
Maximum 14 participants – No prerequisites
Ideal for families (parents-children and/or grandparents-children etc.)
Master class – Sculptural paper-thread knotting using scoring grids
October 25 and 26, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This master class is for people who enjoy working with their hands and who have already practiced some form of craft, not particularly textiles.
Through this workshop, Nithikul Nimkulrat shares a knotting method she has developed, with which she creates sculptural works in paper string.
Over 2 days, participants will learn to use paper twine to create knotted works that follow two-color knot patterns from the knot library Nithikul Nimkulrat has developed using mathematical notation methods.
This class is intended for professional and emerging textile artists, as well as for professional artists in other craft and visual arts disciplines.
Prerequisites: fine manual dexterity.
Materials included; participants may bring scissors, ruler and masking tape.
This activity is made possible thanks to Intervention compétences de Compétence culture and CMAQ.